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  • Kwajalein
  • Saipan
  • Wrist Compass
  • Tarawa
  • Live Bait
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Focus On is a platform for the Museum to highlight an event from World War II and examine that event through the use of the Museum’s collections. By presenting still images, artifacts, maps, documents and motion pictures, the Museum highlights the human side of the conflict. World War II was the most destructive war in history; when examined as a whole the scale becomes overwhelming. The Museum hopes that by focusing on the stories of the common person in the war, people today may form a better understanding of the forces that participated in the war that changed the world.

dividing bar African Americans in WWII Stalemate at Anzio Vernon Baker Battle of the Bulge D-Day Kwajalein D-Day Sky Soldiers End of the War Walt Ehlers Guadalcanal Daniel Inouye Iwo Jima Kasserine Pass Kriegie Christmas Loyal Forces: The American Animals of WWII Merrill’s Marauders Operation Market-Garden Pearl Harbor Saipan & the Marianas Stars and Stripes Ted Stevens The USS Tang Invasion of Tarawa Tuskegee Airmen Wings Dick Winters Women at War dividing bar


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